If you’ve had one of these doubts, you’re normal
The following doubts struck me from a book called Art and Fear by David Bayles and Ted Orland.
I felt compelled to relay them on, as a true idea worth sharing, because they indicate how normal we all are for having these doubts.
My hope is that by identifying with this list, you’ll see that these doubts are not an obstacle to your next great act – you have no excuse, because the people who have done things have had these doubts as well.
Note – the words ‘art’ and ‘artist’ I see as being interchangeable with whatever your creative speciality is – science, entrepreneurship, parenting etc.
“I’m not an artist – I’m a phony
I have nothing worth saying
I’m not sure what I’m doing
Other people are better than I am
I’m only a [student/physicist/mother/whatever]
I’ve never had a real exhibit
No one understands my work
No one likes my work
I’m no good”
“Yet viewed objectively, these fears obviously have less to do with art than they do with the artist”.
Ted Orland and David Bayles; Art and Fear.
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