
Frameworks to organise your whole life

I’ve been writing on www.withjoewehbe.com for more than a year, trying to open Doors for others.


What I’ve learnt about people is that when we haven’t clarified our own ideas or values on a topic, we are impressionable — we take them absent-mindedly from those around us.


Ideas and values dictate what Doors we open, and so, we must choose our own ideas and values, so that we control our journeys.


Here are some frameworks that will change how you think for the rest of your life:


The Minimum Viable Lifestyle — personal finance, how you invest your time, how hard you chase income at the expense of joy.


The Audience-of-None — how to figure out when you’re interested in something ‘for the right reasons’, which leads to more motivation and more follow through


Interest Mapping — how to figure out what you’re interested in. Interests lead to learning and tribes.


Astro the Dog — how to understand the parts of your thinking that seem to have a strange and stubborn voice of their own.


The Iceberg Effect — how to understand how little you see


The Slingshot Principle — away to turn the worst things that happen into the best things that happen


Without-the-Box Thinking — how to understand free thinking, and how you’re influenced by others


The Priorities Hierarchy — how to figure out what your priority is right now


The Apocalypse Test — how to understand what has true value to you, and what is only placeholder


The Bucket — the understanding of how opportunities and journeys grow and evolve over time


Systems of Living — how to understand your life as a bundle of habits and routines that lead to results


Then there are the ultimates


The Five Year Question — showing you exactly what your life should look like right now


I only do what only I can do — how to decide things


The Thousand Doors — a way to journey through life and deliver peace while concentrating on others.


As I’ve developed these, the Doors keep opening faster and faster.

Would this open a Door For Someone You Know?

Remember to share it with them, after all, the best way to Open a Thousand Doors for you is to concentrate on Opening Doors for Others.

With Joe Wehbe – The Podcast

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