Gillage – My Perfect Village
Welcome to the original publishing of “Gillage - My Perfect Village” by Joe Wehbe. The below will sound some combination of crazy, utopian, anarchic, naive, ‘airy-fairy’, and in the most painful sense, completely logical. “Gillage” as we have affectionately come to call it, is a dream a few friends and I have of a better world - all starting from one communal village. This dream is a place where we can create what I call the ‘Thousand Doors System’ for everybody (where everyone embraces uncertainty and has limitless opportunity). The reason for sharing Gillage with you is that I want you to be
The Pleasure Treadmill
This is the Pleasure Treadmill. It’s where a lot of humans live because they don’t know any better. We’re critically under-educated about our own happiness and sense of meaning. And that’s being generous, because under-education implies that some education is already taking place, (and to be frank, I’m doubtful of that). For podcast episodes on The Pleasure Treadmill see episodes #014-#015 of the With Joe Wehbe Podcast. Youtube Episodes: #014 Homeostasis and #015 Pleasure vs. Fulfillment Taking a depressed person to a rock concert If you take a depressed person to a rock concert, you’ll be sandwiching a brief episode of happiness with depression on either side.
CONSISTENCY over Intensity but QUALITY over Quantity
There’s a terrible myth that we’ve been conditioned on. Well really there’s several. I’m referring mainly to this idea that, to get anywhere, we have to hustle at 100% intensity 24 hours a day and 7 days a week! Consistency Over Intensity That can’t be right. Here’s Firas Zahabi on Joe Rogan talking about the importance of consistency over intensity The principle is simple. If you train today at 10/10 but are too sore to train for two days, that is an inferior return to training every day at 7/10. Don’t forget as well, you’ll find it easier to train, work, create or whatever if
Certain about nothing but what little to be certain about
Why is it that all of the people who embrace life’s uncertainty seem so content and happy? All the backpackers, hippies, roamers and nomads, who hop from place-to-place day-by-day. Why do all the people who crave certainty seem so frantic, stressed, rattled, depressed, anxious? Why indeed. I guess it makes little sense to seek certainty in areas for which we have no control. It makes sense to be certain about the things for which we have all the control. Knowing the difference between the two is absolutely and positively essential then. Of that I’m certainly certain. Join the Intentional Sharing Movement, where we change the world by sharing
Don’t ask HOW Musk does it, ask WHY
Everyone always begins with HOW. But HOW is not nearly as important as WHY. Everyone starts out with the wrong word, and the wrong question. WHY does this happen? Human nature. We want to get where we are going faster. We want to learn what they learnt better and faster, so we can do more. Examples. Sir Richard, HOW do you do it? Everyone asks, HOW has Richard Branson started so many companies? That’s not nearly as useful as asking WHY Branson does what he does. Interestingly, the WHY will unlock the HOW. Elon
The Ugly Truth About Superman Is…
It’s a bird! It’s a plane! No, it’s a-polished-end-product-that-has-resulted-from-millenia-of-evolution-ingenuity-and-decades-of-nurtured-upbringing. No one wants to know the ugly truth about Superman As far as popular culture examples go, there are few bigger examples of the Iceberg Effect than Superman. What we see - the 10% of Superman above the surface We look up to the sky, see a muscular alpha-male, gloriously dressed in blue and red. The cape is flapping emphatically in the wind, the hair slicked back. Whenever there’s trouble, he’ll swoop in and save the day. He is the end product, a finished article, a figure of perfection. Or so we think. What we don’t see
‘Simplicity is the end result of long, hard work, not the starting point’
- Frederick Maitland In the 1990’s, Apple was a sinking ship. In 1985 Steve Jobs, the famous entrepreneur and co-founder of Apple had been famously removed, but in 1996, the visionary was brought back. Jobs led a Normandy-size rescue campaign and brought Apple back from the brink of disaster. How did he do it? There were of course many factors, but one which cannot be overlooked was a particular principle, a principle that was just as present in Jobs’ everyday life as it was in the salvation of Apple. Simplicity You’ve heard the tales before, no doubt - Jobs’ apartment was so basic and minimalist
Pain is not BAD, it’s UNPLEASANT.
Pain = Learning + Unpleasant Experience. Unpleasant experiences always teach and motivate us more powerfully than pleasure, albeit in narrow areas. People will more aggressively avoid something painful than they will pursue something which gives them pleasure. We see this in marketing - It is easier to sell someone something that helps them avoid pain than something that gives them pleasure. No one’s desire to buy a luxury sports car, mansion, or first class plane ticket is an emergency. But you would pay anything to a doctor to save your life if going into cardiac arrest, you’ll pay almost anything to a lawyer who can
The Intentional Sharing Movement – Let’s share things worth sharing
We need sharing that is done more intentionally. Connectors Some people are connectors. Connectors see two great things and bring them together. Connectors think of you when they read, listen to, or see something that you would love, that you would get use from. They introduce you to special people, special opportuntiies, and special things. Our world lacks connection. Our world needs more connectors… and, what’s important to know, connection is a positive sum game. The rising tide lifts all boats. If you don’t have a connector in your life you’re missing out. If you’re not acting as a connector yourself, you, and those around you,
The one thing you must take with you everywhere
Take a notepad with you everywhere you go. You just don’t know when someone around you will say something that knocks your socks off, or blows a section of your mind open - BOOM!! -like dynamite. The best way to live is as a constant student. I’ll repeat that. The best way to live is as a constant student. When we fall out of love with learning, with improving, we sacrifice compounding returns and we close our mind. When we close our mind, we risk getting left behind, simple as that. I’m a voracious note-taker. On conversations, on books I read, on every single idea.