
There was once a hippy — who didn’t shave his armpits, didn’t shower, and lived out of caravan parks.   And one day a blue collar worker drove past the hippy and scoffed at him. ‘Freeloader’ the blue collar worker mumbled to himself.   ‘That hippy will never do an honest day’s work his whole life’ the blue collar worker said to himself. ‘How sad.’   The blue collar worker drove to do a job at the house of a white collar worker, an accountant. The accountant scoffed at the blue collar worker, saying to herself ‘this man has to work with his hands, he’ll never

      Ken Robinson is one of history's greatest thinkers on education. We unpack him over a range of episodes on the With Joe Wehbe Podcast starting with episode #247 (Go here for the podcast, and here for the weekly summary).    While we unpack notes from his book 'Out of Our Minds' in this post, today we deconstruct this three amazing TED Talks, including talk no. 1 which remains the most viewed TED Talk of all time!             TED TALK No. 1 — Do Schools Kill Creativity?   Do schools kill creativity?   We have no idea how the future will play out

The man with most viewed TED Talk of all time with 72 million views! Ken Robinson is one of the people I have the most respect for — a brilliant orator who brought humor and leadership to a field that needed a lot of attention. This blog corresponds to the first half of my podcast series (go to #247) with Luke Smith unpacking his significance for our lives.    I'll do a separate post unpacking his three amazing TED Talks!   What will you get out of this series?   I thought of three main things we could get out of unpacking Ken Robinson. Discover your

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