
We should all ask what we want to do with our lives. We should all ask who we want to be.    But we should not expect to find one single and simple answer to that question. I can’t think of anything worse.     Why should you be only one thing?  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9Ng9OduLP6c The pressure you might feel to be just ‘one thing’ in your life and in your society is based on a very limited style of ‘Box Thinking’. We fell into, some time ago, a way of thinking about social roles that is not set in stone - but it feels like it is.    Instead of

I’m not in the habit of collecting enemies but if I did want to torture someone I wouldn’t trick them into a one, two or three-out-of-ten lifestyle.   I’d trick them into a Six-Out-of-Ten-Life    When life is rated one or two, it’s so painful or horrible that you will not put up with it for long. You’ll make a change, move into another lane, another job, and avoid.    But what do you do when the needle hovers somewhere near, or just above the middle? It’s that awkward spot where you ask, is this it? Is it worth aiming higher? Is it possible to be

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