When Your Mind Has Visitors (Short Story Version)
There you were, sitting down and minding your own business, when someone stole your dream partner. This opened a door, and in came Jealousy to visit you. Jealousy had big thirsty eyes and was wearing too many clothes (none of which they owned, all of which they’d borrowed). And around Jealousy you always envied what others had, and always thought everything you did have was bland and boring. So you asked Jealousy, ‘Jealousy, what should I do about this jealous feeling I have?’ And Jealousy said, ‘Go out, get more money! Become more successful! Become happier, and then so-and-so whatever his/her name was,’
The Key Hangs On The Door Unguarded
It scares them. The thought of other people gaining Awareness of themselves scares them. They think it’s dangerous if people think freely. They see this as a bad thing for society. They are afraid that unchained minds and unchained souls will topple the structures of stability. To them we say, ‘Don’t worry my friends — when the guard tower falls and the cell doors open, when the young people walk free from the penitentiary of stability, there will be nothing forcing you to follow…’ ‘You can stay in your cell if you so wish
The Weatherman Phenomenon — How smart people become dumber, while looking smarter.
Is there a bigger fraudster in society than he who presumes to predict the weather? Let's unpack that today, building on what we first discussed with the U-Curve of Certainty Theory and complex systems. An angry rant about Weathermen (or Weather People, to be more PC). It was New Year’s Eve. I can’t remember the year, what I can remember is the weather forecast — the weatherman said there was a ‘0% chance of rain.’ Not 2%, not 1%, but 0%. You can probably see where this is going. Come New Year’s Eve, it rained. What a bizarre profession, where you can get away with
Dear Mitchell
Dearest brother Mitchell. I mean to tell you that your selfishness and stupidity knows no bounds. Here’s a picture of us when we were young — who’d have thought one of us would grow up to be such a narcissist, such a self-serving twat. What do you mean ‘who?’ Fine then, I’ll spell it out for you. Where will I begin? At the start then, because I don’t know how much you don’t know, and I can only hope that I get something very important through to you with this letter. So let’s see… the start. Oh yes. Well, you are second born
The ‘Goldilocks Zone’ — Avoid caring too little, or too much, about anything.
Everything in life tastes better with non-attachment. Romantic relationships, friendships, health, career, your goals (if you’re foolish enough to have them)… you can’t even get too caught up in the search for Enlightenment and meaning. You'd be reading a self-help book, and then next thing you know, you're a twenty-one year-old life coach. But there’s a problem with the English Language — we’re missing levels within words. The middle zone is one I’ve come to call ‘The Goldilocks Zone’ — the place of non-attachment. Don't see the value in 'goals'? When you say to someone ‘I don’t see the value in goals’ or
THE EXISTENTIAL FLU — Diagnosing how we lose awareness and get back on track.
I had a crushing existential crisis recently… Don’t worry, I managed to dig myself out of it. Not only that, but I think I can reduce its occurrence in future. This experience is not just ‘feeling down’ — it’s a completely undocumented illness that plagues the modern world called the Existential Flu. What’s the Existential Flu? When your thinking is invaded by negative questions, self-doubt, low self-belief, a sense of meaninglessness, fuzzy-thinking, frustration for life and… well, that feeling of being hopelessly lost. These thoughts are not accurate, they don’t reflect your reality or progress in life — they are an invasion.
‘The Doormen’ — May 2022 Letter To The First Constant Students
Dear Constant Students, Today I’m speaking to all members of the community, as well as anyone connected to this journey from afar. It’s been about a year since Liam and I began running workshops and then welcoming in our first members. In that year I’ve learnt so much — I’ve made so many wonderful mistakes, had some enlightening failures and seem to have gained the world. But I’ve also been terribly frustrated and disappointed too! Today I want to discuss just how important you in the community are in making this all work. As a reminder, The Constant Student is a community that
How Do You Live In The Present While Thinking About A Better Future?
This is the dilemma — the trade off for being a visionary or aspirational person appears to be losing an appreciation of the present. We fall into the trap of thinking of the future at the expense of the now. This seems logical. By focusing on how things should be better, we’re focusing on how imperfect they are now
Deconstructing Naval Ravikant’s ‘How To Get Rich’ Series
This is the second post on Naval Ravikant after unpacking his ideas on learning and education. Today we move into his famous Tweet storm-turned-podcast series 'How to Get Rich (Without Getting Lucky)' which is also dissected over a series of episodes on the With Joe Wehbe Podcast. This blog post corresponds to those episodes (circa #217-#226) and unpacks the ideas in written form. Enjoy! Naval on the role of money Naval’s Tweet-storm and podcast is called ‘How to Get Rich Without Getting Lucky’. He prefaces this — he thought it would be a controversial discussion but everyone was interested. We live in a
Alan Watts On Education For Unreality
Alan Watts was a prolific philosopher, absolutely light years ahead of his time especially with the predictions he made about the education revolution before his death in 1973. Philosophy is something that keeps popping up on this journey — those who dive into it seem to find the ability to really see things. The episodes we did on Alan Watts on the With Joe Wehbe Podcast, (episodes #203-#211) are some of the most powerful episodes done to date, and go deep to unearth some tightly held assumptions we have about work and life. Luke Smith, my high school friend and co-host of these